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Ways To Work With Me...

Personal Sessions

These sessions are part of a package and are excellent for akashic records work,  full body reiki healing or combining several modalities in one powerful session.  Although part of a package, sessions can vary greatly from one to the next. This allows us to work with whatever is happening currently in your life. 

Sanctuary of the Soul

This is a beautiful 90 day program where we work 1:1 to build your spiritual resilience.  We will work through specific areas in order to create a solid foundation for you  to stand on as you move through life.  For more info about the program click over to this page. 

Spiritual Resilience Coaching

Spiritual resilience helps you find inner strength during hardship, offering a sense of purpose that guides you through challenges. It fosters emotional balance, making stress easier to manage, and provides a compass that points you towards healing, hope, and a deep connection to the journey of life.


Everyone holds the key to their own healing and sometimes we need a little help. That’s where my services come in. As an experienced energy alchemist I work with you to restore your balance and find your center.

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